Tuesday, September 05, 2006

'Read' your own destiny

How can we 'read' our own destiny? Is it that easy?

Ancient Chinese explained the art of deciphering our own destiny as Ba Zi (八字命理). Westerners called it "Four Pillars of Destiny". Some can it "Eight Characters". Whichever way you like it.

It is the "decoding of Eight Chinese Characters derived from your birth time and date relevant to Solar (H'sia) Calendar". The Solar Calendar is not to be confused with our Chinese Lunar Calendar. Solar calendars are usually term as Tong Shu (通书), you use this book to select auspicious dates for wedding, renovation, making important decisions, etc.

You can get your Eight Chinese Characters from any websites (just get ready your birth date and time - in Western Calendar).
Or try this www.joeyyap.com, look under the tab "Tools", click on "BaZi Ming Pan Calculator". You need to register though.

With this BaZi, you are ON... the first step to discovering your own destiny as it unfolds.

Ps: If you decided to pay for your fortune told, pay me... hahaha. I may not be the expert but I am no conman.

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